is a totally web-based scientific calculator capable of
practically any common calculator function and many
uncommon functions. It is continually growing and being
improved. There are an almost limitless number of
functions that can be added to the function registers (currently S1 thru S3), so
come back often to check out the changes. Be sure
and check out the new statistical functions added to
function registers S2 and S3. Soon to be added
are hexadecimal to decimal conversions, hyperbolic
functions, programmability, and other mathematical
functions.To find out more about the various
functions, special keys and generally how to use the
megaCalculator, read the info page.
If you have problems with the megaCalculator that cannot
be answered by the info file, or have suggestions or
comments, send an e-mail to megaCalculator, we'd love to hear from you.
Depending on the speed of your Internet connection,
megaCalculator may take a few minutes to load. For future
use, you can make it load automatically as you launch
Netscape Navigator (while you take a break) by setting
the "Home Page Location" to default to this URL: http://www.megaCalculator.com/calc/calcstrt.htm. Win95/NT users can make
Netscape 3.0 or 3.01start automatically when you boot
your computer by placing a copy of the Netscape icon in
your "Start" folder.